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Custom Railing Designr is a lisp routine that draws any size Custom Railing using the Custom Designs you pick inside the Custom Railing Designr dialog.
As you change the configuration of the railing, you can "see" the changes "on-the-fly" as they happen, right inside the main dialog!
Added: Export The BOM to Excel. (1-25-12)
Custom-Railing erection drawings, and fully annotated elevation shop drawings with a title-block and bill-of-materials
(fully dimensioned plan-view, elevation-view and section-view).
Detail Railings individually, or use the automatic feature to draw all 3 views while picking points in the plan-view (see "Auto-Mode" in the All Demos page, at left).
Update (11-4-11):
Sloped-Railing-Designer.lsp will be released soon as an add-on option!
(Sloped/Stair Picket Railings fast & ease!) Sneak Peek Video
New Update! (12-23-11):
Sloped-Railing-Designer.lsp Video showing all the available Options.
Also...Added: Export The BOM to Excel. (1-25-12)
(Showcases the completed dialogs and drawings)
Baseplate Designr added! Sneak Peek Video #2
Update: (3-18-12)
Add your own title-block to the programming data!
Model-Space or Paper-Space tabs, it's up to you!
When you add your title-block to the data it becomes the default title-block!
How to add your own Title-Block to the program!
You can add:
A-size (8.5x11 both Portrait & Landscape)
B-size (11x17 both Portrait & Landscape)
C-size (22x17)
D-size (36x24)
E-size (44x33)
F-size (33x21)
Using Title-Blocks with the program!
Update: (4-1-12)
Railing-Design Tool-Box!
This is the 1st in the NEW series of "the Railing-Design Tool-Box"!
1) Adding a Plan-View to an Erection Drawing of a Base-Plate Mounted Railing System! (Base-Plates fastened to floor in Plan-View)
Quickly add the complete Top-Mounted Erection Drawing Plan!
2) Adding a "Face-Mounted" Plan-View to an Erection Drawing of a Base-Plate Mounted Railing System! (Base-Plates fastened to the "face" of the concrete in Plan-View)
Quickly add the complete Face-Mounted Erection Drawing Plan!
Stacked Steel Font Converter added! (4-13-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
This is a powerful Steel-Font Converter that changes any Architectural text into steel stacked text instantly.
(changes fonts all at once, no having to pick selection-sets)
Completely customizable, add your own stacked fonts to the program!
Coming Soon...
Plan-view Arc'd-Railing-Designr! (it's really looking good!)
Arc'd Railing Designr added! (4-18-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
This powerful Arc'd railing program draws the plan-view layout!
(Pick the material for post, top-rail & pickets, as well as the max. spacings)
It also has an option to either "Pick or Draw" an Arc!
Pickets added! (4-18-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
This program was designed to help users layout Pickets in everyday drawing duties!
Takes care all the calculations and offsets for you.
(even does a B.O.M. for you!)
Also as an added bonus...
Tools for:
1) Vertical Offsets
2) Horizontal offsets
3) Horizontal Divide w/Offsets
4) Vertical Divide w/Offsets
5) Polar Arrays
6) Rotate By Degree
Base-plate_Detailer.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Bolt-it.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Clip_Detailer.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Modemac.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Pitch_Symbol.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Post-Distance_Label.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Running_Dimension.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Slope.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Splice_Plate.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Sum-lines.lsp added! (4-21-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
Power Converter added! (4-20-12)
(Added to the Railing-Design Tool-Box)
This program was designed save (in a file of your choice) the e-data of objects that the user selects!
Still in developmental stages, this program will be like a block that thinks!
The user selects drawing objects for the start of a hand-rail (that isn't already in the railing programs), then the user can save them to an e-data set that can loaded (like a program) and will adapt to the current variables of the railing programs!
(Thus making it "Smart")
The user will define the variables for all the entities (it will even have a listing of all the railing component variables to pick from), or enter "user" variables for the components!
With many many more to come!
New Update! (4-24-12):
Free-Form added to Auto-Mode!
Now users can use any degree they want in Auto-Mode, producing shop drawings as fast as they can pick 2 points (any angle needed!)
Use any degree in Free-Form mode!
You have so many options with all the different "Designr" programs (4 included with this version), it is literally possible to design hundreds of thousands of Custom Railing configurations with this program!
This is a sample of the Custom Railing Designr Program.
(Click each function to view how the dialog works and what the functions are used for!)
There are so many options to choose from:
1) Single, Auto or Single-multiple
a) Select from a single rail
b) Pick the lengths from your own pre-drawn layout!
c) Entering a length longer than your material, results in the railing being broken-up into multiple shop drawings!
2) Railing Length (Enter the length for Single or Single-Multiples)
3) Top-Rail Height (The height to the top-of-rail)
4) Post Spacing (Desired "maximum" post spacing)
5) Misc. Properties Dialog (This is where the misc. sizes and spacings are configured)
a) Picket-Railing (This is where you define the picket-rail properties!)
6) Layers (This dialog lets you change the default layers, colors, and linetypes to your favorites)
7) Base-plate or Core-Drill (to fasten the railing to a floor or other structure)
8) Barrier can be Pickets or Glass. With a top for mounting or without (extending the pickets or glass, to the top-rail)
Glass has 2 mounting options:
a) Clips (old style, with a bolt-thru application)
b) Rails (new style, using an extruded railing for mounting the glass)
9) Post above top-rail (this option allows the post above the top-rail, you control the height!)
10) End Connections (there are 6 left-side and 6 right-side connections, allowing 36 different end-connection combinations to be used)
11) Top-Rail (there are 4 standard types of materials AND you can use your own Profiles too!)
a) SQ & RC Tubing
b) SQ Hollow Structural Tube
c) RC Hollow Structural Tube
d) A.S.A. Pipe (1/8" to 24", with most Schedule sizes available)
e) Use you own Top-Rail Profiles! (Add your own favorite profiles!)
12) Posts (there are 4 standard types of materials AND you can use your own profiles too!)
a) SQ & RC Tubing
b) SQ Hollow Structural Tube
c) RC Hollow Structural Tube
d) A.S.A. Pipe (1/8" to 24", with most Schedule sizes available)
13) Base-Plate (Configure the base-plate to match your design needs)
14) Pickets (there are 4 standard types of materials AND you can use your own profiles too!)
a) SQ & RC Tubing
b) SQ Hollow Structural Tube
c) RC Hollow Structural Tube
d) A.S.A. Pipe (1/8" to 24", with most Schedule sizes available)
15) Glass (Glass thickness, clearance and weight. Including Clip/Base/Hole properties)
16) Steel or Aluminum (Check the desired material to use for the railing)
17) Data (This allows you to configure a railing to your specifications, then Open/Save/Delete them as needed)
18) Help (There is a fully integrated help system built into the program! Check the help check-box, then select a function
to see what that function is used for!)
Files included:
1) Main Program and Dialog.
This is where everything is configured and accessed from.
2) PK-Rail Designr.
This is where you configure different size Picket-Railings.
3) Profile Designr.
This is where you select the Top-Rail "Profile" to use in the current design.
Also this is where you add your own Profiles to the program (make sure to what the video on how this process is done!).
4) Base-Plate Designr.
This is were you configure you Base-Plate designs.
5) Glass Designr.
This is where you configure your Glass and Clip designs. |