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DansMark Drawing2Lisp_Converter
  We all have wished for it, "A fast & easy program that converts our drawings into AutoLisp Code and parametrically links the entities together!"
Now it's here!
Drawing2Lisp_Converter School!
  Now users can learn how to use Drawing2Lisp_Converter to create
finished parametric code!

Cost: Ask for Current Pricing!


Contact: dan is at dansmark dot com for your copy today!


Convert your drawings (.dwg) into autolisp (.lsp) code.

This REALLY IS the Next Level!

Update: Tested with AutoCAD 2012, it works correctly!
  In this New Millennium, drawing smarter using programming created from DansMark is your best competitive edge!

With DansMark Software Solutions,
your only limited by your imagination...

Newly Updated (3-14-14)
Drawing2Lisp_Converter School!
  That's right! Converter School!
DansMark is starting classes to teach users not only how to use Drawing2Lisp_Converter, but how to build data-bases and incorporate them into the code for unparalleled details & designs.
  Lessons start with the basics of how Drawing2Lisp_Converter works, what users can do with it, and techniques to insures users can create all their own parametric programming fast, simple & easy!  The DansMark Way!

  Newly Updated (2-21-14) with Draw T' Lisp Option #5!
Now all entities are parametrically linked together making the output code a complete & finished program!

Drawing2lisp_converter is a NEWLY REVITALIZED program from DansMark Software Solutions, to automatically convert drawings into Autolisp programming code.
It's a great way to create your programming, while saving time & money!

  This software creates base-code100% complete programs from your AutoCAD drawings & details, and can be is now parametrically linked together to automate your whole drafting process!
  Drawing2lisp_converter.lsp can help you convert drafting hours/days/weeks, into seconds/minutes/hours!

  Watch the DEMO'S (below) of Drawing2lisp_converter.lsp converting a very complex drawing of a stair system, into multiple functions in an Autolisp program!
Load & run the programming to automatically draw your drawing exactly as it was when converted into programming code!
Seeing is believing! (see video's below)

  This program is based on a simple to use, yet powerful, version of the powerful Draw-'T-Lisp drawing (.dwg) to AutoLisp (.lsp) conversion programming (Option #1).
Option #5 is now included!
This "scaled-down" Lite full blown version converts drawings into programming code faster than you can think!

  There's even a tool included to show you where the variable-points are located!
Using the "+ & -" keys, the program draws a vector (ghost line) from the cross-hair position to the current variable-point, making it easy to associate the programming to the drawing entities!
  Also there are recorded video's to show how to add your own programming to the converted code!
  A trigonometry program is included that's simple to use to find the math you're looking for!
Just copy & paste any of the trig functions into your code.

  There never been a better program in the history of AutoCAD, to achieve drafting automation on this scale!
  Now users can create programming "on the fly", and take their drawings to "the next level"!

  The "Drawing to .lsp Converter" is a simple to use conversion tool to help reduce the time it takes to write all the basic "skeleton-code" of the drawing you want to convert to programming code.
  Understanding how the program works is essential to success.
All variables are created as "Global".

Just change the variables in the code, then the drawing will Auto-Update itself to any change in the design, instantly!

Update: 2-20-14
  All entities are now parametrically linked to each other!
(Using the "Map To Last Point" function)
Don't be fooled!
This isn't like a block! (like some ignorant people on the web said it is)
Drawing2Lisp_Converter produces a full blown program!!!
(you can change portions of the code to suit your own purposes if you wish)

There are 6 main functions to Drawing2Lisp_converter.lsp
1) Code
2) Entity Selection
3) Text ID
4) Function
5) Write to File
6) Help

1) Code...
There are 2 types of code to write:

a) New
  This mode overwrites the file "C:\Dansmark\Advanced\Drawing2Lisp_converter\D2LC_Sample-Code.lsp".
  All functions and variables are wrote as a "New" file.
  This mode is default, and once run, it automatically changes to "Append" mode.

b) Append
  This function Appends (adds) functions and variables to the existing file "D2LC_Sample-Code.lsp".
  Once this mode is selected, it will become default for each following function.

2) Entity Selection...
  There are 2 modes for conversion:
  Auto is the fastest & easiest method to convert drawing entities to code!

  The entities that can be converted in both modes are:
  Lines, Arcs, Circles, Text, Dimensions, M-Text, Blocks, Hatches, LW-Polylines

a) Auto
  There are many ways this modes can be used.
  aa) Selecting all entities at once (as many as you want in the current function).
    This selection method converts the entities "randomly".
  bb) Select each entity as you want them to appear in the code.
    This method allows for the best control.

  This mode will convert all entities selected to programming code automatically.
This command is selection-sets, this mode allows users to add and remove entities to the selection-set. Also, users can zoom and pan while in the selection-set process.
  (see AutoCAD's help on selection-sets).

  Pro Hint:
  Select each entity as you want them to appear in the programming-code.
Make sure you are where you want to be in the drawing when you finish selecting the entities to convert (pan & zoom), this just makes it easier to remember what you want to do next.

b) Manual
  This mode allows the user to decide which entity type to select and convert to code.
  Entity type: SHIFT+ <1>=LINE, <2>=ARC, <3>=CIRCLE, <4>=LWPLOYLINE, <5>=DIM,
  <6>=INSERT, <7>=HATCH, <8>=TEXT, <9>=POINT, <0>=Mtext, <->=LEADER

  Pro Hint:
Use the Shift+Number to create the code for the entity selected (you will be
    prompted for the entity to be converted into programming code. Warning... Make sure it's the correct entity-type).

3) Text ID...
  With/Without Text mode:

a) With
  This option adds a color-coded "number" text-entity to the code, so the user can find
  which code-segment coincides with which entity. When the program is run, a number is
  placed at the "start" of each entity in the drawing. To find where the entity is in the code,
  just search for the coinciding number.
  (The text-height is 0.0312, so look closely)

  Color Code:
  Line=2, Arc=5, Insert=4, Leader=2, M-text=6, Circle=3, LW-polyline=4, Hatch=8, Point=3, Dimension=7

  Example: Search for text "32" in Visual Lisp (must be a text item searched for) will take you to the
  end of the code where the entity creation code is used (see the website for examples).

b) Without
  This is the default.
  No color-coded "number" text-entity is placed in the code.

4) Function...
  The combination of both "Name & Number" is the name of the function name.
  The name is the 1st part of the name (prefix), and the number is the second (suffix).
  The number you pick is 1- of the number used in the function.
  (If you want each function-name to end with a 1, pick 0 each time)

a) Name
  This is the prefix of the function-name.
  You can use any name you want, but don't use the "-" in the name, as this will cause an error, and the
  results could crash the program.
  If the program crashes you must re-open the drawing to reset the program.

b) Number
  The is the suffix of the function-name.
  The program adds 1+ automatically so the name can stay the same without having conflicting functions.
  Users can use the same number over and over by changing the "Name", but beware of conflicts in your code.

  There is a running variable-number throughout the use of the program.
  As each entity is converted into code, the program adds a 1+ to the running total (which is the variable count).

  PT0, PT1, PT2...

5) Write To File...
  There are 2 modes in this option.
  Append is default.
  Once you have converted all the entities you want, then pick the Finalize check-box to finish the code and write
  the Master-Function.

a) Append
  The is the default while converting entities to code.
  All additional functions will be appended to the file.

b) Finalize
  This mode finishes the file and creates the Master-Function to control all the available functions.

6) Help...
  The help system describes what each function is used for.

  Using the Help System:
Checked... The whole dialog becomes a Help-System, all functions display help notices.
Un-checked... The Help System is dis-engaged, all functions return to normal.
(Note: All functions revert back to the state they were when the help-toggle was engaged!)

What the program does:
  When the user selects the entities for conversion, the programming code is captured and saved.
Each time the user exits the selection-set mode (and returns to the dialog), the program creates a function for all the entities in that "current" selection-set.
  These functions are saved and added to a master-list until the "Finalize" button is selected, (The "Finalize" button ends the conversion process for that drawing. Close the drawing and re-open to convert entities again).

Using the "Map To Last Point" function:
  Selected entities are parametrically linked together in the order in which they are added to the section-set!
In this way, entity sets can be linked together, AND linked to other entities.
You control how the finished program draws your drawings!

If you Convert ALL-AT-ONCE
The entities are NOT parametrically linked!
  For each 100 entities that are converted, it takes approx. 1-5 seconds (depending on what options are selected) for the program to finish converting them. Approx. 80-100 lines of code is created for those 100 entities.
(The amount of code created also depends on what type of entities are converted and options that are used)

Imagine writing 12,000 lines of code in under 30 seconds!
With DansMark Software Solutions,
your only limited by your imagination...

Video Demo's
  These are video demo's of Drawing2lisp_converter.lsp converting a stair drawing into Autolisp code.
Demo-1: Introduction
Demo-2: Options explained
Demo-3: Walls & 1st Stringer
Demo-4: 2nd Stringer
Demo-5: 3rd Stringer
Demo-6: 4th Stringer
Demo-7: Finish

As A Bonus:
The program that was wrote during these videos will be part of the installation package!
That's right!
You can run this program as a stand-alone, or as part of the "Demo Mode" before registering!
This will give you a good idea of the power of Drawing2Lisp_Converter.lsp!!
(Note: Drawing2Lisp_Converter.lsp MUST be run in the provided drawing Stair_test.dwg!)

Additional Videos:
Demo-8: Loading The Menu
Demo-9: Youtube Intoduction

Download Drawing2Lisp_Converter.lsp
(See "Download" at left-side)

Installation Instructions:
1) Download file, then un-zip it to any directory you choose.

2) Run Drawing2Lisp_Converter_SetupKit.EXE, this will install Drawing2Lisp_Converter.lsp, and associated files, to their final destination.

3) Open C:\Dansmark\Advanced\Drawing2Lisp_converter\, then run Setup_Drawing2Lisp_Converter.EXE (this is the .exe program that has the .lsp in it).
Make sure to install to the default directory!
Any other directory will result in errors when trying to run Drawing2Lisp_Converter.lsp!

4) Open AutoCAD (tested with 2000-2007), and use the appload command to find Drawing2Lisp_converter.lsp and load it.

5) Type D2LC to execute Drawing2Lisp_Converter.lsp

6) You will have to register the program in order to use it (just protecting my hard work, and I want to know who is using it).
I have provided D2LC_Sample-Code_Stairs.lsp for free, so you can see what Drawing2Lisp_Converter.lsp can do.
(you MUST run D2LC_Sample-Code_Stairs.lsp in the Stair_test.dwg)

7) Click the Demo Mode button to run D2LC_Sample-Code_Stairs.lsp in the Stair_test.dwg

You must register your version of Drawing2Lisp_converter.lsp to use it.




Convert your drawing into AutoLisp code, in seconds.


 Easy to use


Program output:

 Exact copy of drawing as an Autolisp program

 Easily change variables to adapt to new designs

 Easily create full blown programs!


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