DansMark DetailMachine v1.0

Ask For Details


  DetailMachine is a New Program from DansMark Software Solutions!

  DetailMachine creates detail call-outs for any 2D engineering-drawings, erection-drawings, approval-drawings, shop-drawings and details.

Available Options:
1) Detail
    This is the dialog.
2) Section
    This is the dialog.
3) Call-out
    This is the dialog.
4) Elevation
    This is the dialog.
5) Match-line
    This is the dialog.

  The program gives the user many options!
1) The call-out-detail can be defined by either picking the available Detail from the image_button, or by selecting the Detail from the drop-down list.
2) The details automatically adjust to the current scale-factor!
(The current scale-factor is displayed, change it if required)

3) Details can be in either Model-Space or Paper-Space!
(Just check the Paper-Space check-box)

4) The rotation of the call-out-detail can be adjusted by pick the appropriate angle!
(0, 90, 180 and 270)

5) Page number and Detail Character/Number is also available.
The dialog information is used to create a unique block-name so users don't accidental use the wrong call-out-detail elsewhere in the same drawing-set!
Now that's cool!!!



Creates 2D Call-Out-Details.




Program output:

 Elevation, plan, & shop drawings.

 Keeps track of Call-Out-Details

 No B.O.M.


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